Well,I am happy to report that our ultrasound went well, from what the technician could tell.We should get an official report in the next couple of days.
This pregnancy so far has been very easy.Since my nausea eased up,6 weeks ago,I actually hardly feel pregnant!I'm not showing very much yet and the baby only moves a little bit.The movements have been very slow and gentle.A huge difference from Oliver who was very active,almost to the point of being abusive.Hah!
The ultrasound showed a very different baby though.The baby was quite active and we could not get a very good photo. Baby was doing alot of yawning and keeping his/her hands and arms in front of the face.The legs were moving very fast back and forth like he/she were riding a bicycle!We also were unable to tell what the sex was.Baby's legs were held together tightly each time we tried to look.So, yeah,if we could of been able to tell,I would have given in and found out the sex. Oh well....
So,now none of us knows and we will all have to be surprised.I'm fine with that.
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