Moving is and can be exciting at times.I love the newness of things, the changes it brings in our lives.I do dread, however, the packing and
unpacking.Which, I'm sure, is not on any one's "favorite things to do" list. Ughhh..... The joy in unpacking some of the things that have been away for some time,is the recollection of memories. We started our moving process almost right away and yes, we are tired. But we all have had an exciting experience going through boxes that had been stored away since March 2007,almost 2 years in storage. The kids have found their Christmas presents from December 2006, that they could not open and play with (because of the move). We have found things that were completely forgotten about. It's been Christmas all over again for them and us. Finding something and remembering that item from "way back when".... is nice and comforting at the same time.
Ever since we moved here I have been in storage looking for my favorite red,teapot. Craig has gone several times looking for it as well and found other things instead. Actually, he did find the whistle that went on top of it.But, that was it. Well, Jade and I were unpacking one of the boxes yesterday and wouldn't you know, as I was unfolding the packing paper, there it was, all red and shiny!!! I looked at Jade and said," NOW, we are home" and she smiled and said,"Yes,finally". Something as simple as a teapot gave us comfort and a feeling of "HOME".
There are plenty of boxes left for us to go through and discover lost memories. We are anticipating what we will uncover next.
Everyone has commented on how comfortable and relaxed they have been since we have been staying at the new house. Sebastian says that he feels like we have gone away on vacation to the condo in Sun Valley. Everyone has slept well at night. With the exception of those of us that are still up and moving/packing.ahemm.... But,even Oliver has been sleeping better. For the first time ever, he took a 4 hour nap yesterday and then did the same today. Craig was thinking that he was coming down with a cold. But, I told him that he is sleeping because he finally has a bedroom with a door and it's quiet in there! I'm sure he's thinking exactly what Sebastian is thinking, about being away on vacation!
Well I will have more on our moving later.
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