Three years ago,when Craig and I had looked into tubal reversals,we looked into midwifery.Although it was a long way off from where we were at that point.We were just hoping that if all went well with my surgery that maybe we could possibly have a home birth.I only knew of one person who had had one at that time.
Fast forward to my pregnancy with Oliver...we briefly looked into it,again, and found several midwives and birthing centers in the southern Idaho area.However,because of a couple of reasons, we decided not to go that route with that pregnancy.The distance to a birthing center and for a midwife to travel to our home would be, a little too far.Also,my last pregnancy was a c-section and most midwives are little weary of having a uterine rupture because of that.Unless, you have had a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean),they then usually have no problem delivering your baby.
After having Oliver in a hospital setting again, we absolutely did not want to go that route if we were to be blessed with another baby.
As soon as we found out we were pregnant again,we started doing some more research.I even watched the documentary film The Business of Being Born (click on the link to watch the trailer) from executive producer Rikki Lake and director Abby Epstein. Awesome documentary and so true to how hospitals and doctors treat the whole birthing process.I completely felt the same way that these women felt about having a different experience,without all of the unnecessary medical interventions and that the birthing process is a natural one.We started contacting the midwives for interviews. We were pleased with all of them. We finally settled on one lady,Connie Wolcott, who has been doing this for years. She just opened up a new birthing center in Jerome,Idaho,which is about 10 minutes from Twin Falls,Idaho. Very cozy setting,there is a living room area for those that are waiting,kitchen,examining room and a birthing room. So,the plan is for me to deliver at the birthing center when the time comes! We may even have a water birth!
So far this experience has been wonderful.The whole family is involved in every prenatal visit.The visits last at least an hour in which everything is discussed;moms health,baby's health,what's happening in our lives etc... She really has made an effort to make us all feel comfortable and has gotten to know us personally.That is something that you can never get from a OB physician.
I have also been working with a chiropractor,whom my midwife referred me to.In my last three pregnancy's I have had severe pain in my legs and pelvic/groin area starting around my 7th month(I started to notice some slight discomfort with this one at week 14).I had trouble going down or up stairs,lifting my leg up to put on my pants,turning over in bed.Anything that required me to use my leg muscles,forget it.The doctor I had in Illinois blew me off and said that they were just normal aches and pains that you get during pregnancy.Well, the doctor that I had for Oliver,thankfully,did not blow me off.He told me that it is not "normal" but it is not uncommon for some women to have this condition.It is called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction.I know,sounds scary.When you're pregnant the relaxin hormone is causing all of your joints to loosen up.With SPD, it loosens up a little too much.So your pelvis could be horizontally too loose as well as vertically out of line.The ligaments that are attached to your pelvis get stretched out too much and cause pain.The muscles that are attached to the ligaments are then affected as well,hence not being able to move the legs like you normally would be able to.WHEW!!!That was a mouthful.
Anyway,awesome chiropractor! I wanted to address the problem before I was too far along in my pregnancy.Especially since I was already noticing some pain,so much earlier than before.He confirmed the SPD condition as well as some other kinks that I had in my back and neck.I've been in to have adjustments on all areas. He will work with me throughout this whole pregnancy to make me as comfortable as he can. I'm excited to see what the outcome will be.
We have an ultrasound this morning and then we have an appointment with Connie,our midwife.We are all anxious to "see" the baby and find out if baby is doing well.Hopefully I will get some good photos to publish on here for everyone to see.I don't want to know what the sex is,however,Craig and the kids are wanting to know...again.I would love to be surprised.Oliver was suppose to be a surprise for me.I had the nurse write down on a piece of paper what the sex was and put it in an envelope for Craig and the kids.They were to open it in front of me,just so I could see the looks on their faces,but not tell me.Well, when they opened it up,Sebastian read it out loud,"It's A Boy!" I almost fell over in utter despair!Hah. Sebastian said that he couldn't help it,that it just came out because he was so excited that it was a boy.Now, we all knew what the baby was and we had to try to not let it slip when we talked with friends or family.Boy,(pardon the pun),that was difficult. We'll see what happens.Who knows! I may just give in to their pleading and find out whether it's a boy or a girl.
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