Saturday, December 22, 2007

Changing Indeed!

Well, it's been over a year since I have posted. I will try to update as well as I can.....

My husband Craig had gone to Nevada last November for a couple of months,ended up being longer than that,never returned home because he was offered a job and he accepted. We have had a hard year just trying to get settled and adjusting.  We were able to pay for our tubal ligation surgery which was done on April 23,2007. The movers had come the month before and emptied the house and I had the house about cleaned and ready to go before the surgery. The surgery was a success. Dr. Levin said that it was a great way to start his day because the repair of my tube couldn't have been more perfect! The children and I were still apart from Craig (he was able to fly in for the surgery). Being apart from my husband was very difficult for all of us and even though our house had not sold yet we needed to be with him. He came home at the end of June and we packed up and headed off to Nevada together on July4th. Got pregnant in Aug with baby #4 for us.
We lived in a tiny apartment until September. Our home in Illinois sold in August and we bought a tiny trailer in September. My husband's father came out in October to live near us. He and Craig have been working on the trailer,which needed work, as much as they can when Craig isn't working his regular job. So, progress has been a little slow. But there has been progress.
Our dreams and plans are coming to fruition: downsizing,being debt-free, drawing closer together in our marriage......there is so much that we are thankful for. God has been sooooo good, He has heard our prayers He is with us.
Here it is December 2007 already a year since I last posted and God has done so much in our lives. It's good to reflect on those things that we sometimes take for granted so easily. I pray that I am reminded to stop and reflect often for what he does for our sanctification.The blessings and trials that he brings my way. May we all "Be still and know that I am God".......Psalm 46:10

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