Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Thanksgiving,Christmas etc...

I have tried twice to upload photos this past month.But for some reason I have been having trouble doing so.I was finally able to do it.So,I have some catching up to do.

Thanksgiving came and went,Christmas has come and gone as well.We all have enjoyed both.Here is a quick glimpse from then until now.Sorry for the lack of detail.I did say quick.....
This is a picture of an area in the Sawtooth Mountains where we found our Christmas tree.We purchased a tag the day after Thanksgiving and then went a few days later.The children really enjoy being able to go out and hunt for that
"perfect" tree and cutting it down.It was a very beautiful day.Everything was frosted with snow!

Christmas morning in front of our tree.Eager to open up their gifts and eager to give gifts to each other.

Oliver's first Christmas! 8 months old now.We all had a good time watching him rip off the wrapping paper from his gifts and then,of course,wanting to play with just the boxes they came in,or the bows and paper!
Another year has come to an end.We are thankful for what the Lord has done for us this past year.He has brought us closer to Him and to each other more than ever before and he is continuing to bless our quiver.Though we have trials to tread through, and will continue to, they help us to change with the seasons....thank you God for loving us.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Delectable Bread

Matthea loves being in the kitchen baking.Any opportunity that she has to get us girls in there,she will.She has been wanting to bake some bread for some time now.We had made homemade pretzels about a month ago and she has been asking me to help her to make more bread recipes.So, yesterday, we got our bread recipes out and she decided upon this one "Mom's Honey Farm Bread".Matthea even enlisted her sister, Jade, to help her out with the kneading.She did a really good job and is so proud of her bread making skills,one thing that I still cannot do very well.I haven't had any success with my bread machine either(which I got because I couldn't do it with my own hands!)
Making bread,making good bread is one of those things that I have told myself and the girls that I want to be able to accomplish within my lifetime.Maybe I just don't have the touch or the "hands" to make bread.Hopefully, a few lessons in the kitchen with Matthea will turn my bread making disasters around.These loaves were just delicious!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sitting Up and More

We have had very nice and warm weather the last 3 days,in the 70's.Oliver has just started to sit up all by himself and had the chance to go outside and test his new skill on the grass! He was happy,very happy.....

The kids were all able to be outdoors and enjoy this beautiful weather. The girls had their dad's wooden horses out, pretending that they were real ones.Sebastian pulled Oliver around in the wagon for a little while.He had been climbing a ladder earlier and was jumping off of it,not to my liking at all.But,nevertheless,being daring and adventurous like boys are. Thankfully he was not jumping off with one of his make-shift swords! AGHHHH!!!

Well,today is another beautiful day.Now that school is done for the day we can enjoy the rest of the afternoon in the sun! I, on the other hand, need to finish up some "HOME" work.But, I'll still be able to step out here and there....:) What a blessed day it is.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We went out when it was coming down lightly......
within seconds it started to come down hard!!!

This is actually our second snow of the year.We had about 4-6 inches of snow the second week of October.But, this is our "official" first winter snow. Oliver wasn't sure what to think of this new stuff that's falling.

Praise God for the beauty in the different seasons!!!
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Monday, November 3, 2008


Oliver loves being outside.I thought that I would post this picture of him enjoying his pastime during the warmer weather, which was watching the leaves fall.Now that the weather has started to change,he has to bundle up.He now only gets a few minutes to enjoy the air and watch the leaves blow past him.He looks as if he is remembering days of past when he could lay on the ground with his sister and laugh as the leaves fluttered down towards them.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Father and Son Time and Then.......

Well,since we have been having such great weather,Craig and Sebastian decided to sand the deck yesterday.This was a project that they were going to wait to do in the spring.They worked all day long.We had backs that were aching,hands that were sore,you name it(there was a couple of layers of paint that had to be removed).So,when they were done they and us "girls" admired the beautiful job.The staining of the deck was for tomorrow's work.....well,Craig went to work and a few hours later it started to rain.Now, for those of you who don't know what the weather is like out here,it's dry...NORMALLY.And when it does rain, it's the kind of rain that's just like a sprinkle here and a sprinkle there and it's done.It's never enough to keep your grass or plants alive.You have to water on a daily basis.Now,mind you,we did have some unexpected rain back in September when we had family visit.It rained the whole weekend they were here...again..not NORMAL. But,last nights rain topped it off.It was the rain of the year!! It rained for about 12 hours straight and the power went out in the middle of it all.We actually had a puddle or two in our driveway.Besides all of that,we also had two very sad men this morning.Craig and Sebastian's hard work was all wet now.So,we are hoping that the deck will dry up and we will have a day of dry warm weather to finish up this project.I thought that I would share a picture of them working side by side and of course a picture of "The Puddle".

Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. Proverbs 4:1

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Preparing For Winter

We have had unseasonably warm weather these last few weeks.Temperatures have been anywhere between 75 and 85 degrees.It's been really nice though to have that extra time to finish preparing for the upcoming winter.Craig and the children have stacked all of our wood for the winter and they(we) are very pleased with all the hard work.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here We Go!!!

Well, here we go! I started this blog about two years ago and have been trying to get it out to everyone.I just haven't had the time to do much with it.So, bear with me as I get into some sort of routine to write. This is just a means for those of you who are interested in knowing what is going on in our neck of woods,or should I say desert.So if you want to receive my blog via email just subscribe over in the right hand column! Each time I write you should receive my new post in your inbox.Feel free to leave your comments as well.

I'm sure the Baby Countdown in the right hand column is a dead give away! Yes we are pregnant! We are all so excited with this blessing.God is good and gracious!

3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD,
children a reward from him.

4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one's youth.

5 Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oliver is growing and changing.....from 0 to 5 months old! They grow sooo fast.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Baby Oliver Brock

Changing With the Seasons

Baby is here!!! Oliver Brock Schall Nunnally.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Time is Near

Baby time is almost here. I am now 35 weeks pregnant and we are all so anxious to see our new baby.The baby is still very active, if not more so than before. The house is still not completely ready and it has been looming over us for quite a while. Hopefully we will be organized and and ready when the baby arrives. I guess the important things are in line like a car seat,play yard, dresser/changing table and some clothes.I do need to pack a bag for the hospital still. That may be done today.

Craig has been working very long hours lately and has been at work more than at home in the last couple of months. So , needless to say, he's been a very tired man.It's not over yet either. He's in the process of getting a new promotion and has to go through extensive interviews this whole month.So when he is at home he does try to get some remodeling done on the house.

The weather here seemed to start warming up a couple of weeks ago. We had 60 degree weather on most days. But here lately this past week we've only been in the low 40's and have had snow flurries here and there. I started some seeds indoors about a month ago hoping to have the seedlings in the ground by this time. I'm glad that I didn't jump the gun though. They would have died by now. The plants look anxious to get in the ground and start producing for us.Hopefully it will start to warm up soon and our garden can be on its way.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Year 2008

Another new year. Winter is never my favorite time of year. I just seem to want to hibernate during this time. If it's anywhere below 60 degrees outdoors, I don't want to be there. You will find me indoors trying to stay warm. My own personal countdown to spring is already happening. Lucky for me, my husband and children can not wait until the warm weather arrives. We all love the outdoors and the warm weather that comes with it.

I have just finished up my 6th month of pregnancy and now am off to month number 7. I am 24 weeks and 4 days now.We have 15 weeks and 4 days left to go or 109 days!!!!! The baby has been very active now for quite a while. It seems as though the baby rarely sleeps. This one is an active one. I hope we are all prepared for this. Sebastian, Jade and Matthea are very excited about the coming of their new sibling. It's fun to go to stores with them where there is baby clothing and such. We all just ooh and ahh over all the small cute things that "our" baby will probably have.Tiny socks,little hats, bibs that are too cute to wear and stain.....and everything else. Matthea is just fascinated with my growing belly. She loves to rub it and lay her ear next to it. I'm finally starting to look pregnant thankfully instead of just feeling pregnant. Our last Doctor's visit went well. Baby is doing fine,although likes to be stretched out and doesn't like it when I am sitting in an upright position.

As for our little home... well, like I said earlier, it's cold outside and progress had slowed down for a little while. But we are getting motivated again and work has begun....?...more on that when more has happened.

School days seem to be going well now that I have been feeling better and after 17 weeks morning sickness has said it's goodbyes to me. Fatigue has introduced herself , but not forcefully or violently.She's there though and thankfully so are naps:) School will happen as it always does and we are hoping for a more productive year. Matthea has taught herself to count by 2's surprisingly. She's working on her 5's and 10's now and we're still working on early reading skills, phonics, smaller words etc...Sebastian and Jade have been very responsible this year with getting their school work done in a timely manner without any grumbling!!!Not that we had difficulty with Jade,but she still has shown more gusto in her schoolwork than she had before.So, I felt that I should mention her improvement as well.They finally understand that being diligent and finishing earlier means more free time.School has been a 7 days a week schedule for us though. No one is complaining thankfully. Full force ahead!!!! We will probably go right through the summer as well.

This last year has been very hectic for us and taken it's toll on our marriage and family-moving across the country,selling our home,looking for housing,buying another home,remodeling,looking for buried items in storage,being pregnant, and trying to do our everyday living on top of all of that.Whew!!!This year looks promising, I have hope!!

We are picking up the pieces with God's help.Although I had felt as if I were drowning at times and couldn't see beyond what life had brought upon us;He has brought some peace and comfort to my heart and soul.
May God continue to change me and my family. I thank Him for these blessings that he has given me and may I continue to praise Him for them.