My mother and Aunt Mary came to visit us this past week(13th-20th).What a blessing it was for all! My mother hasn't been out here to visit us in almost 3 years!I know this visit really made her happy,as you can tell from the smile in the photo.My mother never smiles in photos.The children pointed out a couple of pictures,including this one, where she was smiling.This made me happy just to see how happy she was!
Seven days was definitely not enough time for all of us.We were all sad the day that they had to leave for the airport and fly back home to St. Louis.We are now trying to make plans to have grandma come out more often and stay longer.We miss her and her company.
During their stay,one of the many blessings that were bestowed upon us,Jade and Matthea learned how to sew.They made a couple of outfits and have projects started that need to be finished.Aunt Mary was kind enough to give the girls beginning sewing lessons.They took to it very quickly and would not stop.They sewed from morning to night,every chance that they got!!
By the time the week was up,the girls were so tired.But,now they are very thankful that Aunt Mary has given them a good start and a great love for making things with their own hands.
We did a lot of things while they were here...took a drive up into the mountains and stopped at a picnic area where we encountered many flies and some really fat American chipmunks,went to Miracle Hot Springs and had a really nice soak in the mineral water,went to Cloverleaf Creamery for some ice cream and cheese curds,YUM!Walked along the Snake River Canyon and saw a few waterfalls and vultures,went to Shoshone Falls,shopped at some local thrift shops and found a large,square ottoman for my walk-in closet for only $5!!! and fabric stores for the girls' sewing projects,re-upholstered my dining room chairs(thank you Aunt Mary), made homemade bread and fed them our own free range chicken for supper one night,which my mother could not stop commenting on how good the flavor was! :) We also spent a lot of time relaxing in the back yard enjoying the cool air in the evenings after we would go on our walks after dinner.I think my mother fell in love with the weather more than anything and was dreading having to go back into the Midwest's humid heat. :( Hope to see them soon again.
Our area has had a late start to summer,which was not good for my garden,nor my cherry trees.Each day that I go out to my garden,I find myself sulking/pouting.My garden depresses me.It isn't full of "green" stuff overflowing, pressing through my gates crying out "pick me! pick me!" there are only a few things that are growing well...the potatoes,the onions,a cucumber plant (notice that I say A cucumber plant,yes,one lonely cucumber plant)and my sage.I am the most proud of my sage because it is 3 years old...but,the tomatoes are just now getting their flowers on them and the carrots,lettuce,radishes,beets,basil,peas,and green beans are wimpy looking things.So,yesterday,while I was watering and realized that I was pouting again and I decided to have a different outlook and I was going to just LOVE my garden.By that I mean it in two ways,LOVE it the way that it is and also show it LOVE.I put the hose down and went to each section and meticulously plucked every darn weed that I could find and tended to each and every tiny or big plant that I have.When I was through,I looked around and realized that I was smiling...and my plants were smiling back at me!We'll see how long I can hold onto this new outlook.There is roughly a little over a month left of summer and we'll be looking into winter's eyes in no time,ugh!
The children have been really busy.Keeping up with homeschooling,animal chores and their house chores.They are all doing so well. Craig,Sebastian,Jade and Matthea volunteered last week with Paint Magic.It's a non profit organization that helps senior citizens to have their home painted.The children really had a lot of fun doing that.I stayed behind at home with the babies.
The Lord has been pressing me to kick it up a notch with our biblical studies.You know,as a homeschooler,we are always feeling as though we are never doing enough as it is.But,I know in this area,you can never do too much and we all need the spiritual nourishment,not just once a week,or once a day as a routine.But,throughout the day.We ought to be praying without ceasing,thinking of His ways and commandments... waking,walking,sitting,laying....all day long! Just feeling somewhat convicted lately,thankfully.I have been trying to work on gathering some ideas for bible studies with the children.I know I want to do a study with the girls such as Polished Cornerstones
and most definitely do a proverbs study with all of them,we already have purchased Hidden Treasures for that study.I have a couple of books for a father/son study for Craig and Sebastian to do as well,but,there is one or two more that seem to be grabbing my attention more.Oh well,we'll see what we decide for that one.On top of all of that I have been trying to re-organize our school system and get MORE organized and MORE focused,needing to prepare for next years curriculum.I do have to mention here that we are so very thankful for our new school computer that was given to us as a gift!!This will help us tremendously with all that we need to do and all that we have been wanting to do to improve our homeschool! God works through so many people!! Praise God!

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