Where on earth do I start? I haven't been on here to write in months! I will probably leave out a whole lot of what has been going on around here,but, I will do my best.
I have been on auto pilot since November.God has carried me for pretty much most of this winter.Since Charlotte has been born, I have had 2 solid good months of sleep.The first two were typical newborn months,waking up every 3 hours or so and then when she hit 3 and 4 months of age she was sleeping 9 hours a night for us.But from about 5 months she went back to waking up every 3-4 hours again.We realized that a lot of it has been from teething issues.Needless to say,my dark circles are horrendous without the use of make-up to cover them up.I'm too tired to go anywhere that would require the application of it anyway.The children have been a big help with letting me get in a nap here and there .This sleep deprived season will soon give way to more restful nights,yes,I have hope.
So, our Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations went well.It was another peaceful, family bonding time again. For Christmas, Craig got three rabbits, as a gift from the children,to start raising meat rabbits,something he's been wanting to do for some time now.Soon after that Jade purchased a few,Matthea bought a couple and then Craig bought a few more as well.I'm not sure on the count, but I think that we may have 9 adult rabbits and now about 9 baby bunnies as well. Jade has just posted her bunnies on craigslist for sale.Jade and Matthea have been planning this bunny business for a couple of years now and are eager to get their bunny business off and running.Sebastian is still in the beginning stages of getting his goat to make money for him.But, all three have their chickens laying really well now and they now have a couple of regular egg buyers.Pretty cool! Our buckling,Firecracker, is on his way out soon.We have a buyer and we'll be sending him to the butcher.Tough business when you have a majority of the household emotionally attached to the food! We just purchased some new baby chickens,ducks,a couple of geese and 3 turkeys to add to the menu around here.Most of the ducks are already spoken for.We just need to fatten them up and they'll be on someone's dinner table soon!Of course we have our name on one of the turkeys for this years Thanksgiving.This will definitely be a first for us!So exciting!
January and February were our typical slow months...Jade and I had our birthdays and Johnny's birthday soon followed in March.I got news right before his birthday that he was coming out to visit us for a couple of weeks.We hadn't seen him in about 18 months,so,this was a real blessing to have him come out for his 20th birthday and spend some time with us. Another surprise soon followed.My half sister Rebecca,whom I had never met before,contacted me,my sister Wendy and my brother David.Everything kind of went so fast after that.My father,who I hadn't seen in 30 years, got into contact with us as well and within days,Wendy flew out here and we drove to California to meet Rebecca,her sister Lupita and to be reunited with our father.I am still,I believe,in a state of shock.Soon they both will be coming out to visit with me and my family and also they'll be visiting Illinois to reunite with my brother David and possibly, my dad's sister,Aunt Karen.I,truthfully, had thought that God,had,for whatever reason,decided that my father just would not be a part of my life,ever.I never thought that this day would come and here it is,very surreal.I remember how I prayed for years that God would bring him back into my life.Now,the saying that "God does things in HIS OWN TIME",really hits home hard.A lot of mixed feelings goes along with all of this,of course.I've found myself questioning God's timing and asking why? Why now? Why not 10,13,15 or 20 years ago or even 5 years ago? Then the selfishness of thinking that I didn't have him for 30 years,am I going to get 30 years more or will it only be 10 years? Or what is it that you're doing with me now? A lot of prayer and succumbing to his will is needed. God has been good to me and His blessings upon my life have been overflowing these last few years, truly amazing.I am thankful.I am thankful that I have my "new" sisters,step sisters/brothers..nieces and nephews...step mom...and thankful that God has answered my prayer and brought my father back to me and has shown His love for me in so many ways.It took me a long time to realize that I had always had my Father,my heavenly Father,all of these years.I guess I had to acknowledge Him first,in my heart and in my ways before I could have my earthly father back,I don't know.I do know that He is perfect and his timing is perfect and I can rest in that. Another season in my life that will most definitely bring change to all of us.
Well,Johnny was here from March 9-23 and those weeks went by way too fast.The kids are still mourning his leave.I feel like I need about,at least,3 months with him.It really makes me sad not to be able to be around him as much as we use to be.The other day we all sat around the TV and watched our wedding DVD.Johnny was only 6 years old then.It really puts things into perspective when you see your little boy jumping around on this video and you know he's a grown man now and isn't right here with you to hug you or ask a million questions.SAD...:(
But at the same time,I'm so glad that he was here and I have a picture of all of my babies,big and little ones, together!! Now that makes me happy! :)
I can't believe I actually have finished this post! I put Charlotte to bed around 8,Oliver down at 8:30 and the older 3 went down at 9:30.I need to get into bed and hope that Charlotte doesn't wake up soon.Now that I feel somewhat caught up with my blogging,maybe I'll be able to get on here more often with short and quick posts.
May God continue to work in me and bring good change,for His glory and may He bless my family now and for generations to come.Goodnight all!
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