Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cherries and More Cherries!!!!

Well,we've made it to our due date!.....But, nothing is remotely telling me that "it's time".So, in the meantime, I had the children out this morning picking some more cherries! This hasn't even put a dent into the trees yet.So, they have another chore, added to their morning chores, picking cherries every morning! Matthea wanted to know if it was okay to eat some while picking.I told her,"yes,of course!" and then she proceeded to tell me,"Good! because I have been eating a few here and there while picking". Funny how they ask after they have already given themselves permission to do something.
I forgot to post our "desserts" on my last post. The girls are proud of them and we are still eating leftovers.mmmm....I also forgot to mention that we made homemade ice cream last week.I had Craig get our ice cream maker out and he did most of the work.I just pureed my canned peaches and added it to the mixture and he did the rest. Nothing like homemade ice cream! The children say that it beats Baskin Robbins and all those other fancy ice cream places out there. I agree!

We did our grocery shopping the other day and I really need to chop,bag and freeze all of those veggies that I bought.I also bought more flour and yeast to bake bread.After baking that last loaf, the whole family,including myself,feels confident in my bread baking abilities. It really turned out well. So, I need to get some loaves of bread made as well,before baby arrives,and put away. I also need to figure out what we are having for dinner tonight. I didn't sleep very well Friday night and was pooped all day Saturday.So when he came home Saturday night after work,there wasn't a meal. Sebastian and Matthea made themselves (and Oliver) leftover stew around 4:30 or 5:00,but,Craig doesn't get home until around 7:00. So when he got here,Jade and I quickly decided to do bake potatoes for dinner.Craig was satisfied with that,especially since there were 4 different desserts to still choose from afterward. Phew!!! Poor guy, I've been spoiling him lately with all of the cooking and baking that I've been doing and then he comes home (expecting yet another feast) to a baked potato.He was actually starting to call or text me before coming home just to ask,"So,what's for dinner tonight?". Just because we've been doing something new and different lately. I better not disappoint him tonight. Although,I'm not feeling very creative. He may have to settle for something regular and normal.

Right now,Oliver is up from his afternoon nap,Sebastian is weed eating(weeds are growing like crazy),the girls and I are in from taking care of the animals' food and water and weeding and watering the garden.

Life is good and life goes on......maybe we'll enjoy some of that ice cream today.It's a good hot day for that! Sebastian will appreciate the cool relief of ice cream after weed eating in the hot sun.

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