Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sitting Up and More

We have had very nice and warm weather the last 3 days,in the 70's.Oliver has just started to sit up all by himself and had the chance to go outside and test his new skill on the grass! He was happy,very happy.....

The kids were all able to be outdoors and enjoy this beautiful weather. The girls had their dad's wooden horses out, pretending that they were real ones.Sebastian pulled Oliver around in the wagon for a little while.He had been climbing a ladder earlier and was jumping off of it,not to my liking at all.But,nevertheless,being daring and adventurous like boys are. Thankfully he was not jumping off with one of his make-shift swords! AGHHHH!!!

Well,today is another beautiful day.Now that school is done for the day we can enjoy the rest of the afternoon in the sun! I, on the other hand, need to finish up some "HOME" work.But, I'll still be able to step out here and there....:) What a blessed day it is.

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