We are still neck deep in our boxes trying to make some sense out of all of our "stuff".But, Craig and Sebastian have been able to get some things rolling here, outside on our farmette.They both have been working real hard on repairing some of our fencing and clearing some brush by the canal.Today was such a gorgeous day to be outside.

The girls have enjoyed helping when they can and love just being outside exploring.They all get up as early as they can to take care of the chickens and check, of course, for any eggs. Oliver is just happy being in the midst of all of this, with his two bottom teeth finally making their arrival! I'll get a picture of Matthea in here on the next post.

We all are real excited to announce the arrival of our chickens!!! We have acquired 1 Polish rooster, 2 Polish hens, 2 Buff Orpington hens, and 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte hen.The Polish hens have not produced anything for us as of yet.In fact, the Polish hens have been establishing their pecking order by "pecking" on the other hens.Their life here may be real short.Looks as if we will be having hen stew real soon,unless they start dropping eggs! But, our other three hens have given us a few eggs so far.The children were just thrilled to see the eggs in the nest and bring them in.
Here is the Polish rooster standing behind the Polish hens....

A Buff Orpington hen and the Golden Laced Wyandotte hen.....

We are getting our first goat as well, tomorrow.She is a six month old Pygmy,and we will breed her soon in order to get milk! So, for now, we are setting up temporary quarters for her in the fenced in garden area until the corral fencing is completed.We just told the children about her today.They are still in the middle of their elated joy of receiving chickens and now they are unable to contain their happiness about getting our first goat too!
We all are very happy and eager to live out this season in our life. Life on the farm is finally starting....ahhh...what a good feeling.
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