Charlotte has hit her one month mark and is approaching 5 weeks of age this Friday. I hate how the early days go so fast with babies. It makes me and Craig so sad to watch it go by so quickly, with all of them. They are all growing like the weeds around here!
Well,we have postponed the start of school for a couple of weeks.The virus that had a hold of Oliver had spread to Jade, then me,Matthea and Craig. Thankfully,as of now,Charlotte and Sebastian have been spared. So as we all slowly recuperate things will get back on track.
Craig and Sebastian are away for a while,working on the trailer.They are already terribly missed. The girls and I are working together here with the animals, garden and of course home. It has been really dry here and all of the watering that we have been doing is tiring and time consuming.We are constantly going outside to move the sprinklers. We are also being invaded by weeds! You would think that since it is so dry the weeds wouldn't grow.Wrong! They seem to thrive anywhere.Weed pulling is not everyone's favorite thing to do around here. But, it has to be done. I will say, that not all of the weeds get pulled, so, there are areas that we have just given up on for now.
I keep saying that I will put up pictures of the garden.But, I haven't taken any yet,since we've planted. I really need to do that. I will just have to tell you that the children have planted so many tomato plants that I'm afraid we will be drowning in tomatoes. I need to hurry up and get some more canning jars.Because when it's time to harvest, I don't think we will be able to keep up. Matthea's garden is the largest as far as how many plants they all have and then it's Jade's and Sebastian's is the smallest.He didn't want to plant too many. He says that he's glad that he didn't because there would be too much work to keep it watered and weed free! I told him that he's lucky that I am not making him grow his own food for survival,because he would starve. He quickly replied and said that he wouldn't because his sisters had plenty and if they wouldn't share he would just eat the eggs from the chicken coop!!! Oh my goodness..what can you say to that. A work in progress, a work in progress....I have to keep reminding myself that he is a work in progress, we all are. I really need to be a little more pro active in his progress. Oh boy!
Anyway, Matthea has been providing delicious salads with her lettuce and so far Jade has been bringing in her Basil and Dill for certain dishes.I have had several tomatoes from my plants, so far, to go with Matthea's salads. mmmm... it's so much better when it's fresh.
Our cherry trees have finally been completely harvested. I had Craig pit the last batch of cherries for me. His hands and fingers were stained,but he got to eat some cherry pie afterwards.I also made cherry preserves for the first time. Something that I don't believe that I have ever had myself. It turned out really well. The next thing will be the tomatoes.Something else that I have not done before.
I will post pictures of the garden next time....:0
Time to feed everyone around here and get things shut down for the night.....