Baby time is almost here. I am now 35 weeks pregnant and we are all so anxious to see our new baby.The baby is still very active, if not more so than before. The house is still not completely ready and it has been looming over us for quite a while. Hopefully we will be organized and and ready when the baby arrives. I guess the important things are in line like a car seat,play yard, dresser/changing table and some clothes.I do need to pack a bag for the hospital still. That may be done today.
Craig has been working very long hours lately and has been at work more than at home in the last couple of months. So , needless to say, he's been a very tired man.It's not over yet either. He's in the process of getting a new promotion and has to go through extensive interviews this whole month.So when he is at home he does try to get some remodeling done on the house.
The weather here seemed to start warming up a couple of weeks ago. We had 60 degree weather on most days. But here lately this past week we've only been in the low 40's and have had snow flurries here and there. I started some seeds indoors about a month ago hoping to have the seedlings in the ground by this time. I'm glad that I didn't jump the gun though. They would have died by now. The plants look anxious to get in the ground and start producing for us.Hopefully it will start to warm up soon and our garden can be on its way.
Loving my role as wife,homemaker & homeschooling mother to 7 precious blessings.Being first generation christian parents,we are striving to raise our children to fear and love the Lord,difficult at times,but always looking upward.I pray that I continue to grow in Him by grace and through faith,changing during these seasons in my life...
How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, you will be happy and it will be well with you.Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine by the sides of your house, your children like olive plants around your table. Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord. Psalm 128: 1-4