Another new year. Winter is never my favorite time of year. I just seem to want to hibernate during this time. If it's anywhere below 60 degrees outdoors, I don't want to be there. You will find me indoors trying to stay warm. My own personal countdown to spring is already happening. Lucky for me, my husband and children can not wait until the warm weather arrives. We all love the outdoors and the warm weather that comes with it.
I have just finished up my 6th month of pregnancy and now am off to month number 7. I am 24 weeks and 4 days now.We have 15 weeks and 4 days left to go or 109 days!!!!! The baby has been very active now for quite a while. It seems as though the baby rarely sleeps. This one is an active one. I hope we are all prepared for this. Sebastian, Jade and Matthea are very excited about the coming of their new sibling. It's fun to go to stores with them where there is baby clothing and such. We all just ooh and ahh over all the small cute things that "our" baby will probably have.Tiny socks,little hats, bibs that are too cute to wear and stain.....and everything else. Matthea is just fascinated with my growing belly. She loves to rub it and lay her ear next to it. I'm finally starting to look pregnant thankfully instead of just feeling pregnant. Our last Doctor's visit went well. Baby is doing fine,although likes to be stretched out and doesn't like it when I am sitting in an upright position.
As for our little home... well, like I said earlier, it's cold outside and progress had slowed down for a little while. But we are getting motivated again and work has begun....?...more on that when more has happened.
School days seem to be going well now that I have been feeling better and after 17 weeks morning sickness has said it's goodbyes to me. Fatigue has introduced herself , but not forcefully or violently.She's there though and thankfully so are naps:) School will happen as it always does and we are hoping for a more productive year. Matthea has taught herself to count by 2's surprisingly. She's working on her 5's and 10's now and we're still working on early reading skills, phonics, smaller words etc...Sebastian and Jade have been very responsible this year with getting their school work done in a timely manner without any grumbling!!!Not that we had difficulty with Jade,but she still has shown more gusto in her schoolwork than she had before.So, I felt that I should mention her improvement as well.They finally understand that being diligent and finishing earlier means more free time.School has been a 7 days a week schedule for us though. No one is complaining thankfully. Full force ahead!!!! We will probably go right through the summer as well.
This last year has been very hectic for us and taken it's toll on our marriage and family-moving across the country,selling our home,looking for housing,buying another home,remodeling,looking for buried items in storage,being pregnant, and trying to do our everyday living on top of all of that.Whew!!!This year looks promising, I have hope!!
We are picking up the pieces with God's help.Although I had felt as if I were drowning at times and couldn't see beyond what life had brought upon us;He has brought some peace and comfort to my heart and soul.
May God continue to change me and my family. I thank Him for these blessings that he has given me and may I continue to praise Him for them.