Last year,after my last post,I decided to take a break from blogging.Well,I suppose the decision was somewhat of a forced one.Back in March 2010 I had been reunited with my father,who had abandoned me at the age of 7.With promises of keeping in touch,he slowly slipped out of my life again.Yes,it hit hard.But,being 38, and not 7 this time, helped.Although it took away the desire to write,kind of felt a tad empty,maybe just speechless. It forced me to refocus on the important things going on in my life and also drew me closer to God during my moments at His feet asking Him the why's of such a short and brief reunion. It strengthened my faith and my love for my God,my Father.Understanding that some people do change and some don't ever and that they can give all the lip service that they want to,but in the end,it's their actions that will speak volumes on whether or not they have truly changed. It also made me take a good hard look at myself,to see if there were areas that I was giving "lip service" and not following through.Ahh,the teaching moments.I won't go into a long drawn out story of how sad I was as a child,yes,my childhood was a painful one,due to the abandonment,but God had a plan for me and as I grew older I was able to see Him throughout my life.I know that He does all things for my good and I am so ever grateful for the path He has me on.So, with that said,I'm back.Time to get my groove back on!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Another Season of Change
Last year,after my last post,I decided to take a break from blogging.Well,I suppose the decision was somewhat of a forced one.Back in March 2010 I had been reunited with my father,who had abandoned me at the age of 7.With promises of keeping in touch,he slowly slipped out of my life again.Yes,it hit hard.But,being 38, and not 7 this time, helped.Although it took away the desire to write,kind of felt a tad empty,maybe just speechless. It forced me to refocus on the important things going on in my life and also drew me closer to God during my moments at His feet asking Him the why's of such a short and brief reunion. It strengthened my faith and my love for my God,my Father.Understanding that some people do change and some don't ever and that they can give all the lip service that they want to,but in the end,it's their actions that will speak volumes on whether or not they have truly changed. It also made me take a good hard look at myself,to see if there were areas that I was giving "lip service" and not following through.Ahh,the teaching moments.I won't go into a long drawn out story of how sad I was as a child,yes,my childhood was a painful one,due to the abandonment,but God had a plan for me and as I grew older I was able to see Him throughout my life.I know that He does all things for my good and I am so ever grateful for the path He has me on.So, with that said,I'm back.Time to get my groove back on!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Mama, Do You Like Your Children?
I woke up this morning to this post (Mama, Do You Like Your Children?) in my inbox.I really enjoy subscribing to this blog and reading their posts,really encouraging.When I read this one,it struck a cord.A cord,that I believe,we all know very well as Christian mothers or any mother for that fact.But,I've realized myself that it IS what our world view is when it comes to raising our children.Are we looking to God to guide us or are we seeking the world for the guidance.I have been there before when my children were younger and when I was working outside the home.I clearly remember how much time I had for MYSELF,embarrassing to say,the selfishness of seeking ME-time outside activities because I was too overworked,the children demanded too much from me and there just wasn't enough time for ME,ME,ME!!When I came "home" to stay home with the children(2000),it took me several years of praying that God would change my heart towards my kids and to weed out most of that selfishness,about 6 years to be exact,ahemm...Yes,I needed work,reconstructing.The 7th year God even presented the opportunity for us to move across the country,1600+ miles away from where we had grown up,a job opportunity for my husband within his company.With that,we decided to remove all outside activities and concentrate on the family for a while.We believed that the whole family needed a new outlook on what FAMILY should mean and look like.The children even needed to learn how to enjoy each others company and '"like" each other.It was the best thing for our family.God has brought everyone closer and I just love being at home.In fact,sometimes I find myself questioning whether I like it too much,because,I don't have any desire to go anywhere.The Devil really likes to make us question the things of God,doesn't he?Even through outside influences.I have heard people say to me,that I don't know what it's like to have to go to work and try to take care of kids and that I have it easy because I am at home with my children.I've been on both sides and I do have to say that I know that going to work outside of the home while someone else takes care of my children is far easier than having to do it myself.On the contrary,it would be "easy" to stay home with my children than to go to work,IF I didn't make any effort in the upbringing and training of my children and just did the minimal like so many out there do;make sure they are clothed,fed and put to bed!That is not what God intended our job of keepers at home to be.It is far more than that and work!Work like I have never known in my life.I will be honest and tell you that it is HARD.Yes,I'm tired,yes,I'm stretched,yes this is knew to me,no I don't have it all figured out,no I am not perfect.But,God has given me His strength,peace,comfort and change of heart to do it.I am thankful that my children will have this family model to live by(not a perfect one),when my husband and I did not have it growing up.I pray that God will use it for His glory and my children's children's children will continue the legacy of a God centered family.
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